25 Things You May Not Know About Me

Today is my 25th birthday! Wow I cannot believe I am a quarter of a century YALL! What is weird is I actually feel older. My dad every year on my birthday ALWAYS asks me if I feel older and up until this year I have always said no. WHELP this year I do feel older and it's kinda weird. I really don't know how to describe it, but ANYWHOOO I am super excited and thankful to see another year roll around!! 

SOOO I was thinking that I feel like there are a lot of things that you guys don't know about me - so I thought it might be fun to share 25 little interesting nuggets about ME, (insert the emoji with the girl holding her hand up) !!


1. I gave my heart to the Lord when I was 8 years old. BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE!

2. I have been to Scotland twice, it's breathtaking.

3. I had gastric bypass surgery 8 years ago and lost over 100 pounds in the first year.

4. My favorite movie is Titanic and for my 21st birthday my dad surprised me with a life size (just kidding) but it was a cake in the shape of the titanic ( yes I cried).

5. I have seen Wicked the musical 10 times and know every song by heart. 

6. The one where Abby watches Friends for the first time ever this year.

7. My favorite food is Mexican food ( GIMME all the tacos OH and queso).

8. I can say the alphabet backwards.

9. I used to be a size 11 in shoes but my foot shrunk somehow and now I am 10 ( haha don't really know how this happened).

10. I have a major coffee addiction, my motto: but first coffee.

11. I have an obsession with the Royal family and love watching any documentary/show/movie about them.

12. If I could quit my job today and be ANYTHING, I would be an actress! I played the lead role of M'lynn in Steele Magnolias my senior year of high school and LOVED it.

13. I love ICE, I will buy bags of the chewable ice from sonic and take it home just to have the "good ice".

14. I'm a planner, but contradictory to planning - I do everything last minute. I pack 20 minutes before I need to be at an airport, I leave for work at the last possible minute, I'm constantly rush shipping things..but I work well under pressure..sometimes.

15. TIME is my biggest pet peeve. (side note: I had a friend that I grew up with we would eat breakfast together a lot in High school and I would purposefully tell her to be there at 7:15, knowing good and well she wouldn't get there til 7:30 so in my mind we were eating at 7:30 but I would just tell her earlier..works every time.

16. I did not sleep with the top sheet until this year, weird I know.

17. My first concert was Hilary Duff and my precious daddy took me.

18. I went to Camp Wayfarer as a kid and LOVED every minute of being outside...yes that is TRUE!

19. My sister was learning how to swing a golf club and instead of hitting the ball she hit me right in the chin and my chin busted open at age 4.

20. Hard to believe but I had my first interview at age 4.. thanks Carey for playing the part of the interviewer.

21. I give everything a nickname.

22. I can quote movie/tv show lines like it's nobody's business. (my sister and I can quote a whole I Love Lucy episode and we are proud of it).

23. I love ALL gummy candy.

24. Believe it or not I am a homebody and love nothing more than coming home, putting on my jammies, and watching a movie.

25. I played the piano growing up, oh yeah and the saxophone.

Well friends, I hope you learned something new about me today that you didn't already know!! HAPPY SUNDAY!!  

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful I know that full well.
— Psalm 139:14
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